Bentley LumenRT Help

Scene Setup

  • Scene Setup Menu: Controls all the various scene settings for the currently loaded LiveCube including atmospherics, lighting, clipping planes, layers and camera options.
  • Camera Settings: Sets the basic attributes of the view camera including depth of field, lens flare effects, and scene color rendering parameters.
  • Sound Settings : It allows to add sound to the selected object.
  • Light Settings: This dialog displays controls for artificial lights such as point lights and spotlights. There are individual controls for each light.
  • Clipping Planes Settings: Displays the clipping planes options panel.
  • Layers: Displays the list of layers used in the scene.
  • Hierarchy: Displays the list of objects used in the scene.
  • Add Textual Information: Displays the text tool and text options menu.
  • Add Distance Measurement : Allows linear dimensions to be placed in the scene.
  • List of Triggers : User can create different types of triggers to send events.